On her blog, Lepht Anonym describes herself as "a faceless, genderless British biohacker. It lacks both gods and money and likes people, science, and practical transhumanism." Anonym practices, sometimes referred to as grinding - a subculture of biohacking - DIY surgery to insert el
Perhaps the most fundamental idea in the world of finance is diversification. Every financial planner in North America will tell you it’s the key to a healthy portfolio since more diversification equals less risk.
In fact, the simple concept of diversification explains why venture capi
Perhaps the most fundamental idea in the world of finance is diversification. Every financial planner in North America will tell you it’s the key to a healthy portfolio since more diversification equals less risk.
In fact, the simple concept of diversification explains why venture capi
Sony produced what could be described as a game-changer of a camera with its current flagship, the Sony a1. Although this camera offers a plethora of new features that most reviews have raved about. One of its most remarkable features has gone a little under the radar. This feature is the incr
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Have you got some time on your hands? Like to shot metal balls at stuff?
Then why not build yourself your own mini-magnetic railgun? While it won't be anywhere near as powerful as so
In an industry of giant molecular diagnostics companies lies a need for agile SMEs like PSS to achieve results in a short time span. PSS has been able to deliver where established companies have “lacked the inspiration to produce compact and easy-to-use products,” as Hideji Tajima,
Wed July 27, 2022 - West Edition #16 Irwin Rapoport – CEG Correspondent
Construction crews from Brosamer & Wall Inc. (B&W) have completed work on the second phase of the $52 million Florence Canal Reach 2 Rehabilitation and Lining Project.
The firm is aiming to complet
A retired GP who spent months going through bins of old bones has discovered a new species of dinosaur with a vey big nose.
Jeremy Lockwood, a PhD candidate at the University of Portsmouth, who decided to record every iguanodon bone found on the Isle of Wight eventually uncovered a speci
Headed to today's open Training Camp presented by UNIFY Financial Credit Union practice at UC Irvine? Here's what you need to know before you go.
Giveaway: Jack in the Box coupon and schedule magnets will be given away while supplies last.
Gates open at 11:30 a.m., with practice be
Average Incoming High School GPA
Average Incoming High School GPA
When humans return to the moon, astronauts could be using technology developed by a NASA team led by San Diego State University alumna Shideh Naderi (‘16).
In 2020, Naderi and her colleagues received